
Equity & Inclusion Commitment

At In CommUNITY, we are committed to fostering a culture of belonging, justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. We understand that to create a lasting impact and lead the charge toward a healthier, happier society, our commitment to these values must continuously evolve, adapt, and deepen. Centering the voices and experiences of historically disenfranchised and vulnerable communities not only enriches our work but is fundamental to accomplishing our mission.

Commitment to Inclusive and Affirming Language

Language matters. It can help identify, define, empower, include, and connect. It can also hurt, exclude, and oppress. As such, it is very important to be intentional about language and to accept how dynamic and personal it can be. We also acknowledge that even in our commitment to use inclusive language, we may, at times, use terms that may not resonate for everyone. We have chosen to consistently utilize the term "LGBTQ+" for our project based on community and partner feedback and our desire to encompass a diverse range of identities and experiences by utilizing the "+." This allows us to include identities that have been excluded or left out by "LGBT" and those that, by virtue of their culture, may use different terms or norms. The inclusion of the letter Q for queer is also intentional, with the understanding that for many, this reclaimed word feels most welcoming, affirming, and empowering. We also know that for others, the word queer also may represent pain or a connection to its complicated history grounded in oppression. As such, we will be thoughtful, curious, and reflective in regard to when to use this, and in other words, we will check in and adapt to how folks identify and feel the greatest sense of inclusion and belonging.

Our commitment is to remain adaptable, updating our language in response to the evolving needs, understandings, and feedback of the communities we serve.

Respecting Individual Identity

We honor personal identity and the specifics of how individuals choose to be recognized. This includes consistently practicing the courtesy of asking about personal pronouns and preferred names, thus avoiding assumptions based on appearance or societal expectations. This also means naming specific identities when appropriate to recognize the inequities and disproportionate impact of policies, social conditions, and incidents of harm on specific groups. This includes acknowledging the role of intersectionality in understanding and addressing the experiences, strengths, and needs of those most impacted, such as our trans, Black, and Brown communities.


Encouraging Open Dialogue

Our project thrives on the strength and diversity of its community. To ensure that our language and practices remain inclusive, respectful, and empowering, we invite you to engage with us, share your perspectives, and co-design with us. Please share your thoughts and suggestions with us at [email protected].